Please login to your member profile. If your membership has expired you will automatically be guided through the renewal process.

EVES membership is valid from 1st January until 31st December. Members can join at any time until end of October / early November. After joining, members who have chosen to receive paper copies of the JEVES will receive all published issues since the beginning of the year. An announcement will be made when membership subscriptions open for the next year. Members joining after this announcement will not receive any journals for the current year.

Then click on the “forgot password” link when you sign in. Insert your e-mail address. You will then receive an email with a link. Click on the link to set a new password.

The Egyptian Training Centers Database is made up of a large number of institutions who have agreed to consider giving EVEST members the possibility to spend a period of time training in these centers.
Access the Egyptian Training Centers list here. (Text will be provided)
If you are not yet an EVES member, subscribe today

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