The Egyptian Vascular And Endovascular Society

Will You Join Our Community Of +150 Vascular Healthcare Professionals And +800 Members?

What’s happening in the society?

Upcoming Events

Hollywood Banquet Hall

Magni nesciunt doloribus venenatis esse consectetu.

Riverside Building Area

Magni nesciunt doloribus venenatis esse consectetu.

Join our community today!

Join our community of +800 members and enjoy a number of benefits:

• Free access to the JEVES, the EVES Library and the Masterclass
• Discounts to our events and educational activities
• And many more!

EVES Library

Discover the EVES Library – a digital hub of the Society’s key educational resources reserved to EVES members and individual subscribers.

Our Mission

is to improve vascular health for the public benefit, we are proud to have over 800 members from over the world. medical members are medical specialists involved in the care & treatment of patient suffering from vascular disease

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